Astrologers can help you to get solution for all situations.Astrologer will take the placement of planets, dasa and antar dasa based on the time and place of birth. While Indian astrologers make predictions based on the movement of moon, Western astrologers consider the Sun.importance of astrology was well known to people of ancient history. Maps of the stars and evidences of the use of astrology in daily life.The people of India put great stock in astrology even today. They practice the art of astrology in their daily lives, and base major decisions on the science.The position of the planets in your astrological chart at any given time can be viewed in relation to their position in your birth chart. These comparisons can show reasons for changes in mood and daily reactions to events.The position of stars indicates the life of the person and also the major problems and the successes he will get in his life. With the help of the birth charts one cannot avoid the hurdles but for sure can find solutions so that the severity decreases.A good astrologer gives suitable advice and helps in making life much smoother with the power to handle problems. Meditation and mantras that all are low cost methods.with the help of the art of astrology,one can get information about person's strength and weakness as well as and personality.
Qualities Of Astrology
Mutable signs are always changing. They have an experimental nature that plays with the information codified by the Fixed signs and brings along the improvisational zeal of a Cardinal sign.A person born under a fixed sign may strike others as rigid, but sticking with what is known and making discoveries by following a method is safe and guarantees that what is learned is certain.Cardinal individuals may get lost as they go off on their own, but the discoveries they make benefit everyone. These are the trailblazers and the visionaries, but they don't necessarily stick around to enjoy what has been established.